Teacher Housing
In October 2023, we made our final $85,000 payment to our loan on our 3-unit teacher housing unit.
$25,000 was raised in grants, and $60,000 was raised in private donations.
Remodel plans for the third floor of the teacher housing unit are in the works.
We have identified five additional rental properties for school needs.
We are evaluating a new property for the potential development of future teacher housing needs.
Three Gardiner school teachers continue to live in our subsidized housing.
Connect! Grants
2022-2023 school year: 19 Connect! Grant Applications received. Note 4 applications received through this process were evaluated under our mental health support below.
For the 2022-2023 school year, we funded ten applications totaling $9,717.
In June of 2023, we held a bonus round of funding for the first time for the summer and 2023-2024 school year and received and awarded six applications totaling $29,050.
In October 2023, we received four classroom applications and awarded $8,400.
$26,500 was raised in grant funding.
Mental Health
We received and funded four grant applications related to the mental health of our students for a total of $11,246 in the 2022-2023 school year.
In October 2023, Rural Resilience put forward an application relating to the behavioral health of our students. We decided to provide them with $10,000 to support their work and AMB West Philanthropies generously agreed to match our donation.
Later in December, our foundation's board members had a meeting and agreed to increase our support for mental health causes from $10,000 to $20,000 for the year 2023-2024.
We have made the decision to increase our donation to Rural Resilience to $20,000, and AMB West Philanthropies has kindly agreed to match that donation. This means that our foundation will be contributing a total of $40,000 to support mental health initiatives in our community.
Year-End Donation Drive School Kitchen Project & Farm-to-School
In the fall of 2023, the School Board identified $43,000 needed in kitchen equipment, and Farm to School requested $5,000 in funding to support their programming.
NYEF worked with the School to identify grants, secured a matching donation, and provided additional funding to make the purchase of the much-needed convection ovens, which arrived Dec 20, 2023.
The Berkje Family offered an additional $5,000 matching donation to support additional kitchen needs and this was matched by Gardiner Market.
As of December 31, 2023, we have also raised $3,695 in individual donations towards the kitchen remodel and Farm to School.
NYEF received grant awards from the Park County Community Foundation, Steele-Reese Foundation, AMB West Philanthropies, Greater Gallatin United Way, George L. Ohrstrom Jr. Foundation, Gardiner Resort Area District, and Northwestern Energy.